【萌咖】通用无限制在 Linux VPS 上一键全自动 dd 安装 Windows 系统 -云主机博士
#Debian/Ubuntu ## 一般自带 #RedHat/CentOS yum install glibc-common
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd '[Windows dd包直连地址]'
wget --no-check-certificate -qO dd-mc.sh 'https://vpssy.com/down/sh/dd-mc.sh' && bash dd-mc.sh -dd '[Windows dd包直连地址]'
# 将X.X.X.X替换为自己的网络参数. # --ip-addr :IP Address/IP地址 # --ip-mask :Netmask /子网掩码 # --ip-gate :Gateway /网关 # wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh --ip-addr X.X.X.X --ip-mask X.X.X.X --ip-gate X.X.X.X -dd 'https://moeclub.org/onedrive/IMAGE/Windows/win7emb_x86.tar.gz'
远程登陆账号为: Administrator 远程登陆密码为: Vicer 仅修改了主机名,可放心使用.(建议自己制作.)
Windows Embedded Standard 7(Thin PC)作为底包,官方精简
https://moeclub.org/onedrive/IMAGE/Windows/win7emb_x86.tar.gz # 谷歌文件ID: 1srhylymTjYS-Ky8uLw4R6LCWfAo1F3s7
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x64 (2.87G;KVM;XEN;Hyper-V;未激活)
https://moeclub.org/onedrive/IMAGE/Windows/win8.1emb_x64.tar.gz 谷歌网盘文件ID:1cqVl2wSGx92UTdhOxU9pW3wJgmvZMT_J
#!/bin/bash export tmpVER='' export tmpDIST='' export tmpURL='' export tmpWORD='' export tmpMirror='' export tmpSSL='' export tmpINS='' export tmpFW='' export ipAddr='' export ipMask='' export ipGate='' export linuxdists='' export ddMode='0' export setNet='0' export isMirror='0' export FindDists='0' while [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; do case $1 in -v|--ver) shift tmpVER="$1" shift ;; -d|--debian) shift linuxdists='debian' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -u|--ubuntu) shift linuxdists='ubuntu' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -dd|--image) shift ddMode='1' tmpURL="$1" shift ;; -p|--password) shift tmpWORD="$1" shift ;; --ip-addr) shift ipAddr="$1" shift ;; --ip-mask) shift ipMask="$1" shift ;; --ip-gate) shift ipGate="$1" shift ;; -a|--auto) shift tmpINS='auto' ;; -m|--manual) shift tmpINS='manual' ;; -apt|--mirror) shift isMirror='1' tmpMirror="$1" shift ;; -ssl) shift tmpSSL="$1" shift ;; --firmware) shift tmpFW='1' ;; *) echo -ne " Usage:\n\t$0\t-d/--debian [\033[33m\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-u/--ubuntu [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-v/--ver [32/\033[33m\033[04mi386\033[0m|64/amd64]\n\t\t\t\t--ip-addr/--ip-gate/--ip-mask\n\t\t\t\t-apt/--mirror\n\t\t\t\t-dd/--image\n\t\t\t\t-a/--auto\n\t\t\t\t-m/--manual\n" exit 1; ;; esac done [[ "$EUID" -ne '0' ]] && echo "Error:This script must be run as root!" && exit 1; function CheckDependence(){ FullDependence='0'; for BIN_DEP in `echo "$1" |sed 's/,/\n/g'` do if [[ -n "$BIN_DEP" ]]; then Founded='0'; for BIN_PATH in `echo "$PATH" |sed 's/:/\n/g'` do ls $BIN_PATH/$BIN_DEP >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? == '0' ]; then Founded='1'; break; fi done if [ "$Founded" == '1' ]; then echo -en "$BIN_DEP\t\t[\033[32mok\033[0m]\n"; else FullDependence='1'; echo -en "$BIN_DEP\t\t[\033[31mfail\033[0m]\n"; fi fi done if [ "$FullDependence" == '1' ]; then exit 1; fi } clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Check Dependence\033[0m\n" CheckDependence wget,awk,grep,sed,cut,cat,cpio,gzip [ "$ddMode" == '1' ] && { CheckDependence iconv } [[ -f '/boot/grub/grub.cfg' ]] && GRUBOLD='0' && GRUBDIR='/boot/grub' && GRUBFILE='grub.cfg'; [[ -z "$GRUBDIR" ]] && [[ -f '/boot/grub2/grub.cfg' ]] && GRUBOLD='0' && GRUBDIR='/boot/grub2' && GRUBFILE='grub.cfg'; [[ -z "$GRUBDIR" ]] && [[ -f '/boot/grub/grub.conf' ]] && GRUBOLD='1' && GRUBDIR='/boot/grub' && GRUBFILE='grub.conf'; [ -z "$GRUBDIR" -o -z "$GRUBFILE" ] && echo -ne "Error! \nNot Found grub path.\n" && exit 1; [[ -n "$tmpVER" ]] && { [ "$tmpVER" == '32' -o "$tmpVER" == 'i386' ] && VER='i386'; [ "$tmpVER" == '64' -o "$tmpVER" == 'amd64' ] && VER='amd64'; } [[ -z "$VER" ]] && VER='i386'; [[ -z "$linuxdists" ]] && linuxdists='debian'; [[ "$isMirror" == '1' ]] && [[ -n "$tmpMirror" ]] && { tmpDebianMirror="$(echo -n "$tmpMirror" |grep -Eo '.*\.(\w+)')"; echo -n "$tmpDebianMirror" |grep -q '://'; [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { DebianMirror="$(echo -n "$tmpDebianMirror" |awk -F'://' '{print $2}')"; } || { DebianMirror="$(echo -n "$tmpDebianMirror")"; } } || { [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && DebianMirror='httpredir.debian.org'; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'ubuntu' ]] && DebianMirror='archive.ubuntu.com'; } [[ -z "$DebianMirrorDirectory" ]] && [[ -n "$DebianMirror" ]] && [[ -n "$tmpMirror" ]] && { DebianMirrorDirectory="$(echo -n "$tmpMirror" |awk -F''${DebianMirror}'' '{print $2}' |sed 's/\/$//g')"; } [[ -n "$DebianMirror" ]] && { [[ "$DebianMirrorDirectory" == '/' ]] && { [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && DebianMirrorDirectory='/debian'; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'ubuntu' ]] && DebianMirrorDirectory='/ubuntu'; } [[ -z "$DebianMirrorDirectory" ]] && { [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && DebianMirrorDirectory='/debian'; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'ubuntu' ]] && DebianMirrorDirectory='/ubuntu'; } } [[ -z "$tmpDIST" ]] && { [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && DIST='wheezy'; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'ubuntu' ]] && DIST='trusty'; } [[ -z "$DIST" ]] && { DIST="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')"; echo "$DIST" |grep -q '[0-9]'; [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { isDigital="$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '[0-9\.]\{1,\}' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;$p' |cut -d'.' -f1)"; [[ -n $isDigital ]] && { [[ "$isDigital" == '7' ]] && DIST='wheezy'; [[ "$isDigital" == '8' ]] && DIST='jessie'; [[ "$isDigital" == '9' ]] && DIST='stretch'; [[ "$isDigital" == '10' ]] && DIST='buster'; } } } [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && { [[ -n "$tmpURL" ]] && { linuxdists='debian'; DIST='jessie'; VER='amd64'; tmpINS='auto'; DDURL="$tmpURL" echo "$DDURL" |grep -q '^http://\|^ftp://\|^https://'; [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo 'Please input vaild URL,Only support http://, ftp:// and https:// !' && exit 1; [[ -n "$tmpSSL" ]] && SSL_SUPPORT="$tmpSSL"; [[ -z "$SSL_SUPPORT" ]] && SSL_SUPPORT='https://moeclub.org/get-wget_udeb_amd64'; } || { echo 'Please input vaild URL! '; exit 1; } } DistsList="$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "http://$DebianMirror$DebianMirrorDirectory/dists/" |grep -o 'href=.*/"' |cut -d'"' -f2 |sed '/-\|old\|Debian\|experimental\|stable\|test\|sid\|devel/d' |grep '^[^/]' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;s/\//\;/g;$p')"; for CheckDEB in `echo "$DistsList" |sed 's/;/\n/g'` do [[ "$CheckDEB" == "$DIST" ]] && FindDists='1'; [[ "$FindDists" == '1' ]] && break; done [[ "$FindDists" == '0' ]] && { echo -ne '\nThe dists version not found, Please check it! \n\n' bash $0 error; exit 1; } [[ -n "$tmpINS" ]] && { [[ "$tmpINS" == 'auto' ]] && inVNC='n'; [[ "$tmpINS" == 'manual' ]] && inVNC='y'; } [ -n "$ipAddr" ] && [ -n "$ipMask" ] && [ -n "$ipGate" ] && setNet='1'; [[ -n "$tmpWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD="$tmpWORD"; [[ -n "$tmpFW" ]] && INCFW="$tmpFW"; [[ -z "$myPASSWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD='Vicer'; [[ -z "$INCFW" ]] && INCFW='0'; clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Install\033[0m\n" ASKVNC(){ inVNC='y'; [[ "$ddMode" == '0' ]] && { echo -ne "\033[34mCan you login VNC?\033[0m\e[33m[\e[32my\e[33m/n]\e[0m " read tmpinVNC [[ -n "$tmpinVNC" ]] && inVNCtmp="$tmpinVNC" } [ "$inVNCtmp" == 'y' -o "$inVNCtmp" == 'Y' ] && inVNC='y'; [ "$inVNCtmp" == 'n' -o "$inVNCtmp" == 'N' ] && inVNC='n'; } [ "$inVNC" == 'y' -o "$inVNC" == 'n' ] || ASKVNC; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && LinuxName='Debian'; [[ "$linuxdists" == 'ubuntu' ]] && LinuxName='Ubuntu'; [[ "$ddMode" == '0' ]] && { [[ "$inVNC" == 'y' ]] && echo -e "\033[34mManual Mode\033[0m insatll \033[33m$LinuxName\033[0m [\033[33m$DIST\033[0m] [\033[33m$VER\033[0m] in VNC. " [[ "$inVNC" == 'n' ]] && echo -e "\033[34mAuto Mode\033[0m insatll \033[33m$LinuxName\033[0m [\033[33m$DIST\033[0m] [\033[33m$VER\033[0m]. " } [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && { echo -ne "\033[34mAuto Mode\033[0m insatll \033[33mWindows\033[0m\n[\033[33m$DDURL\033[0m]\n" } echo -e "\n[\033[33m$LinuxName\033[0m] [\033[33m$DIST\033[0m] [\033[33m$VER\033[0m] Downloading..." [[ -z "$DebianMirror" ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mGet debian mirror fail! \n" && exit 1 [[ -z "$DebianMirrorDirectory" ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mGet debian mirror directory fail! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/boot/initrd.gz' "http://$DebianMirror$DebianMirrorDirectory/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/netboot/$linuxdists-installer/$VER/initrd.gz" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.gz' failed! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/boot/linux' "http://$DebianMirror$DebianMirrorDirectory/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/netboot/$linuxdists-installer/$VER/linux" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'linux' failed! \n" && exit 1 [[ "$INCFW" == '1' ]] && [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && { wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/boot/firmware.cpio.gz' "http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/$DIST/current/firmware.cpio.gz" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'firmware' failed! \n" && exit 1 } [[ "$setNet" == '1' ]] && { IPv4="$ipAddr"; MASK="$ipMask"; GATE="$ipGate"; } || { DEFAULTNET="$(ip route show |grep -o 'default via [0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.*' |head -n1 |sed 's/proto.*\|onlink.*//g' |awk '{print $NF}')"; [[ -n "$DEFAULTNET" ]] && IPSUB="$(ip addr |grep ''${DEFAULTNET}'' |grep 'global' |grep 'brd' |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}/[0-9]\{1,2\}')"; IPv4="$(echo -n "$IPSUB" |cut -d'/' -f1)"; NETSUB="$(echo -n "$IPSUB" |grep -o '/[0-9]\{1,2\}')"; GATE="$(ip route show |grep -o 'default via [0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}' |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}')"; [[ -n "$NETSUB" ]] && MASK="$(echo -n ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}'${NETSUB}'' |cut -d'/' -f1)"; } [[ -n "$GATE" ]] && [[ -n "$MASK" ]] && [[ -n "$IPv4" ]] || { echo "Not found \`ip command\`, It will use \`route command\`." ipNum() { local IFS='.'; read ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4 <<<"$1"; echo $((ip1*(1<<24)+ip2*(1<<16)+ip3*(1<<8)+ip4)); } SelectMax(){ ii=0; for IPITEM in `route -n |awk -v OUT=$1 '{print $OUT}' |grep '[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}'` do NumTMP="$(ipNum $IPITEM)"; eval "arrayNum[$ii]='$NumTMP,$IPITEM'"; ii=$[$ii+1]; done echo ${arrayNum[@]} |sed 's/\s/\n/g' |sort -n -k 1 -t ',' |tail -n1 |cut -d',' -f2; } [[ -z $IPv4 ]] && IPv4="$(ifconfig |grep 'Bcast' |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}' |head -n1)"; [[ -z $GATE ]] && GATE="$(SelectMax 2)"; [[ -z $MASK ]] && MASK="$(SelectMax 3)"; [[ -n "$GATE" ]] && [[ -n "$MASK" ]] && [[ -n "$IPv4" ]] || { echo "Error! Not configure network. "; exit 1; } } [[ "$setNet" != '1' ]] && [[ -f '/etc/network/interfaces' ]] && { [[ -z "$(sed -n '/iface.*inet static/p' /etc/network/interfaces)" ]] && AutoNet='1' || AutoNet='0'; [[ -d /etc/network/interfaces.d ]] && { ICFGN="$(find /etc/network/interfaces.d -name '*.cfg' |wc -l)" || ICFGN='0'; [[ "$ICFGN" -ne '0' ]] && { for NetCFG in `ls -1 /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg` do [[ -z "$(cat $NetCFG | sed -n '/iface.*inet static/p')" ]] && AutoNet='1' || AutoNet='0'; [[ "$AutoNet" -eq '0' ]] && break; done } } } [[ "$setNet" != '1' ]] && [[ -d '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' ]] && { ICFGN="$(find /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts -name 'ifcfg-*' |grep -v 'lo'|wc -l)" || ICFGN='0'; [[ "$ICFGN" -ne '0' ]] && { for NetCFG in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* |grep -v 'lo$' |grep -v ':[0-9]\{1,\}'` do [[ -n "$(cat $NetCFG | sed -n '/BOOTPROTO.*[dD][hH][cC][pP]/p')" ]] && AutoNet='1' || { AutoNet='0' && . $NetCFG; [[ -n $NETMASK ]] && MASK="$NETMASK"; [[ -n $GATEWAY ]] && GATE="$GATEWAY"; } [[ "$AutoNet" -eq '0' ]] && break; done } } [[ ! -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE ]] && echo "Error! Not Found $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; [[ ! -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old ]] && [[ -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak ]] && mv -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old; mv -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak; [[ -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old ]] && cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old >$GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE || cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak >$GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; [[ "$GRUBOLD" == '0' ]] && { READGRUB='/tmp/grub.read' cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n/+++/g;$p' |grep -oPm 1 'menuentry\ .*\{.*\}\+\+\+' |sed 's/\+\+\+/\n/g' >$READGRUB LoadNum="$(cat $READGRUB |grep -c 'menuentry ')" if [[ "$LoadNum" -eq '1' ]]; then cat $READGRUB |sed '/^$/d' >/tmp/grub.new; elif [[ "$LoadNum" -gt '1' ]]; then CFG0="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 1)"; CFG2="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)"; CFG1=""; for tmpCFG in `awk '/}/{print NR}' $READGRUB` do [ "$tmpCFG" -gt "$CFG0" -a "$tmpCFG" -lt "$CFG2" ] && CFG1="$tmpCFG"; done [[ -z "$CFG1" ]] && { echo "Error! read $GRUBFILE. "; exit 1; } sed -n "$CFG0,$CFG1"p $READGRUB >/tmp/grub.new; [[ -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && [[ "$(grep -c '{' /tmp/grub.new)" -eq "$(grep -c '}' /tmp/grub.new)" ]] || { echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mNot configure $GRUBFILE. \n"; exit 1; } fi [ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ] && echo "Error! $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; sed -i "/menuentry.*/c\menuentry\ \'Install OS \[$DIST\ $VER\]\'\ --class debian\ --class\ gnu-linux\ --class\ gnu\ --class\ os\ \{" /tmp/grub.new sed -i "/echo.*Loading/d" /tmp/grub.new; } [[ "$GRUBOLD" == '1' ]] && { CFG0="$(awk '/title /{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)"; CFG1="$(awk '/title /{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)"; [[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 == $CFG0 ] && sed -n "$CFG0,$"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; [[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 != $CFG0 ] && sed -n "$CFG0,$CFG1"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; [[ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && echo "Error! configure append $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; sed -i "/title.*/c\title\ \'Install OS \[$DIST\ $VER\]\'" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i '/^#/d' /tmp/grub.new; } [[ -n "$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $2}' |tail -n 1 |grep '^/boot/')" ]] && Type='InBoot' || Type='NoBoot'; LinuxKernel="$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |head -n 1)"; [[ -z "$LinuxKernel" ]] && echo "Error! read grub config! " && exit 1; LinuxIMG="$(grep 'initrd.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |tail -n 1)"; [ -z "$LinuxIMG" ] && sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//a\\\tinitrd\ \/" /tmp/grub.new && LinuxIMG='initrd'; [[ "$Type" == 'InBoot' ]] && { sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/boot\/linux auto=true hostname=$linuxdists domain= -- quiet" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/boot\/initrd.gz" /tmp/grub.new; } [[ "$Type" == 'NoBoot' ]] && { sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/linux auto=true hostname=$linuxdists domain= -- quiet" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/initrd.gz" /tmp/grub.new; } sed -i '$a\\n' /tmp/grub.new; [[ "$inVNC" == 'n' ]] && { GRUBPATCH='0'; [ -f '/etc/network/interfaces' -o -d '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' ] || { echo "Error, Not found interfaces config."; exit 1; } INSERTGRUB="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)" sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'i\\n' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'r /tmp/grub.new' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; [[ -f $GRUBDIR/grubenv ]] && sed -i 's/saved_entry/#saved_entry/g' $GRUBDIR/grubenv; [[ -d /boot/tmp ]] && rm -rf /boot/tmp; mkdir -p /boot/tmp; cd /boot/tmp; gzip -d < ../initrd.gz | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 cat >/boot/tmp/preseed.cfg<'/boot/tmp/net.tmp'; } WinNoDHCP(){ echo -ne "@ECHO OFF\r\ncd\056\076\045windir\045\GetAdmin\r\nif\040exist\040\045windir\045\GetAdmin\040\050del\040\057f\040\057q\040\042\045windir\045\GetAdmin\042\051\040else\040\050\r\necho\040CreateObject^\050\042Shell\056Application\042^\051\056ShellExecute\040\042\045~s0\042\054\040\042\045\052\042\054\040\042\042\054\040\042runas\042\054\040\061\040\076\076\040\042\045temp\045\Admin\056vbs\042\r\n\042\045temp\045\Admin\056vbs\042\r\ndel\040\057f\040\057q\040\042\045temp\045\Admin\056vbs\042\r\nexit\040\057b\040\062\051\r\nfor\040\057f\040\042tokens=\063\052\042\040\045\045i\040in\040\050\047netsh\040interface\040show\040interface\040^|more\040+3\040^|findstr\040\057R\040\042\u672c\u5730\056\052\040\u4ee5\u592a\056\052\040Local\056\052\040Ethernet\042\047\051\040do\040\050set\040EthName=\045\045j\051\r\nnetsh\040-c\040interface\040ip\040set\040address\040name=\042\045EthName\045\042\040source=static\040address=$IPv4\040mask=$MASK\040gateway=$GATE\r\nnetsh\040-c\040interface\040ip\040add\040dnsservers\040name=\042\045EthName\045\042\040address=\070\056\070\056\070\056\070\040index=1\040validate=no\r\nnetsh\040-c\040interface\040ip\040add\040dnsservers\040name=\042\045EthName\045\042\040address=\070\056\070\056\064\056\064\040index=2\040validate=no\r\ncd\040\057d\040\042\045ProgramData\045\057Microsoft\057Windows\057Start\040Menu\057Programs\057Startup\042\r\ndel\040\057f\040\057q\040net\056bat\r\n\r\n" >'/boot/tmp/net.tmp'; } [[ "$setNet" == '1' ]] && WinNoDHCP; [[ "$setNet" == '0' ]] && { [[ "$AutoNet" -eq '1' ]] && WinDHCP; [[ "$AutoNet" -eq '0' ]] && WinNoDHCP; } iconv -f 'UTF-8' -t 'GBK' '/boot/tmp/net.tmp' -o '/boot/tmp/net.bat' rm -rf '/boot/tmp/net.tmp' echo "$DDURL" |grep -q '^https://' [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { echo -ne '\nAdd ssl support...\n' [[ -n $SSL_SUPPORT ]] && { wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$SSL_SUPPORT" |tar -x [[ ! -f /boot/tmp/usr/bin/wget ]] && echo 'Error! SSL_SUPPORT.' && exit 1; sed -i 's/wget\ -qO-/\/usr\/bin\/wget\ --no-check-certificate\ --retry-connrefused\ --tries=7\ --continue\ -qO-/g' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && echo -ne 'Success! \n\n' } || { echo -ne 'Not ssl support package! \n\n'; exit 1; } } } [[ "$ddMode" == '0' ]] && { sed -i '/anna-install/d' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg sed -i 's/wget.*\/sbin\/reboot\;\ //g' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg } [[ "$INCFW" == '1' ]] && [[ "$linuxdists" == 'debian' ]] && [[ -f '/boot/firmware.cpio.gz' ]] && { gzip -d < ../firmware.cpio.gz | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 } rm -rf ../initrd.gz; find . | cpio -H newc --create --verbose | gzip -9 > ../initrd.gz; rm -rf /boot/tmp; } [[ "$inVNC" == 'y' ]] && { sed -i '$i\\n' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE sed -i '$r /tmp/grub.new' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE echo -e "\n\033[33m\033[04mIt will reboot! \nPlease look at VNC! \nSelect\033[0m\033[32m Install OS [$DIST $VER] \033[33m\033[4mto install system.\033[04m\n\n\033[31m\033[04mThere is some information for you.\nDO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW! \033[0m\n" echo -e "\033[35mIPv4\t\tNETMASK\t\tGATEWAY\033[0m" echo -e "\033[36m\033[04m$IPv4\033[0m\t\033[36m\033[04m$MASK\033[0m\t\033[36m\033[04m$GATE\033[0m\n\n" read -n 1 -p "Press Enter to reboot..." INP [[ "$INP" != '' ]] && echo -ne '\b \n\n'; } chown root:root $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE chmod 444 $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE sleep 3 && reboot >/dev/null 2>&1